Registered Volunteers must complete an application and background check.
The 4-H Leaders Assn. pays the $10 Cost Recovery Fee each year.
Liability Insurance is included in the $10 fee for the High Responsibility Volunteers
Medical coverage will be the same as 4-H members - $1.50 or $2.50
4-H Enrollments and re-enrollments are due by May 1 of each year, but the sooner the better after October 1. Members must re-enroll every year. Update any changes: address, t-shirt size, etc.
4HOnline and FairEntry Instructions
4-H Insurance is Due May 1 (clubs pay for member/volunteers)
$1.50 4-H Regular Members & Cloverbuds
$2.50 4-H Horse Program and Regular 4-H
$40.00 4-H Rodeo (your choice if you want Rodeo insurance, but required if doing rough stock events)
Aurora County 4-H Clubs
Aurora Country Siders: Leaders Jill Harris, Tara Bush, Rochelle Fink
Country Kids: Sue Faulhaber, Clayton & Traci Moore
Stickney Eagles: Cheryl Dethlefsen, Todd Clark
Western Wildcats: Elaine Schabot, Clint & Rebecca Moore
Aurora County 4-H Leader News
Next Meeting: September 16, 6:30 pm, Ag Building
Officers 2023-24 (Jan. 2, 2024)
President: Todd Clark
Vice-President: Becky Moore
Secretary: Jill Harris/Cheryl Dethlefsen
Treasurer: Ashley Howard
Officers elected each January.
Grants & Fundraising: Chris Fink, Elaine Schabot, Todd Clark
Awards & Premium: One Leader and One 4-H Youth from each Club and the Leader Treasurer
Achievement Days: Randy Olivier-outside; Tara Bush-inside
Building & Grounds: Dave/Jill Harris, Kama Bruns, Josh Mohnen, Clint/Becky Moore, Elaine Schabot
Leader minutes.
July 2023
281 Bar
281 Diner
281 Meats
3 E Electric Roger Van Den Oever
American Bank & Trust
Aurora Bliss Boutique
Aurora Co Conservation District
Aurora County Crop Insurers
Bucher Law
Bultsma Insurance Agency
Central Electric Cooperative
Chris & Rochelle Fink
City of White Lake
Clyde Olsen
Dairyland Seed
Dakota AGrow
Dakota Pro Air
Dakotaland Insurance
Dani Stange/FSA Office
Denny's Corner
Dustin Hillman
Enemy Creek Club Lambs
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
GNC Design
Great Plains Lumber
Golden West
Haines Auction
Harris Cattle Company
Hometown Family Health
Horizon Health
Jag’s Service
Janet Edinger
JD Concrete
Kinyon Electric
KMIT Radio
KORN Radio
Kris’ Beauty Salon
Krohmer Agency Inc
L&L Sanitation
Lois McCord Styling for Ladies & Men
M&L Repair
Midstate Communications
Miller Farms
Mohnen Angus LLC
Overweg Glass & Repair
Polly’s Cleaning
Plankinton Lumber
Pleasant Lake Vet Clinic
Roadside C-Store
Runnings – Mitchell
Sioux Nation-Kimball
South Dakota Mail
Steve's Welding
Stickney Elevator
2022 Premium & Award Sponsors
281 Bar
281 Diner
281 Meats
3 E Electric
A-Bar-Z Motel
American Bank & Trust
Amkota Farm & Home Center
Assmus Angus
Aurora Brule Care & Rehab
Aurora-Brule Rural Water
Aurora County Crop Insurers
Bank West
Browns Insurance
Bruns Ultrasound Service
Bultsma Insurance Agency
C&B Operations LLC
Central Electric Cooperative
Chris & Rochelle Fink
Circle J Ranch
City of White Lake
Club Vega
Coffee Cup/Friendly's
Commerce Street Grille
Corsica Animal Health
Dairyland Seed
Dakota AGrow
Dakota Air Pro
Dani Stange
Denny's Corner
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Farm Credit Services of America
Fuchs Orthodontics DDSPC
GNC Design
Great Plains Lumber
Greg's Feed Service
Haines Auction
Hair Trendz
Harris Cattle Company
Hillman's Gas & Oil
Hillman's Repair
First Dakota National Bank, Kimball
Chamberlain & Willis Vet Supply LLC
Enemy Creek Club Lambs
Horizon Health
Jake's Corner
Janet Edinger
Johnson Hay Grinding
Kids First Daycare
Kimball Livestock Exchange LLC
Koehn Brothers Funeral Home
Krell Trucking
Krohmer Agency Inc
Lincoln House
M&L Repair
Mairose & Steele Prof LLC
Michelle's Market
Midstate Communications
Miedema Sanitation Inc
Mohnen Angus LLC
Moody's Western Wear
Muck Agency
Overweg Glass & Repair
Peggy Stoddard Daycare
Peggy's Beauty Shop
Pickart Chiropractic
Plank Inn
Plankinton Child Care
Plankinton Lumber
Platte Livestock
Platte Vet
Pleasant Lake Vet Clinic
Pour House LLC
Prairie Health Clinic
Roadside C-Store
Ron's Market
Scott Supply Co
South Dakota Mail
Spaans Trucking
Steve's Welding
Stickney Elevator
Stitch N Time Embroidery
Tolsma Construction
Town of Stickney
Vern Eide
White Lake Welding
Aurora Co Conservation District
South Dakota State University, South Dakota counties, and USDA cooperating.